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    Thursday, March 20, 2008

    More progress


    Up to no good on the pickin' porch...

    Things are shaping up! The new "exotic cherry" floor is in on the main level, walls and such are being we can actually think about furnishing, shelving and such. Ugh, that means we have to start thinking about packing & cleaning in the old place too.


    Stream said...

    Here is a display idea we might borrow from Rhythmfusion (great percussion shop)in Santa Cruz. For framedrums, bodhrans etc line the wall with 8'x 4' wooden lattice screen mounted on 1/2 " spacers. Makes for a cheap, very flexible hanging system for anything reasonably flat and you need only a handful of anchors in the wall for every 8X4 piece.

    Unknown said...

    Congrats on the new space! I'm very excited for the move..having enough space to house things would be novel...holler if you need help!