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    Monday, March 16, 2009

    Cute quota for the day

    Yesterday's Westmoreland Shops open house did bring in a lot of folks to the area who had not been to our new location, so we consider that a success. It did get crazy at times as there were a lot of small children running about, banging on drums, trying out each and every kazoo, and other things that kids do. Some were charming, others...less so.

    Sometimes we do get a real charmer though. Our buddy Tim Johnson just came in to pick up his latest acquisition: a left-handed spruce-top Kala tenor ukulele with pickup (yes, he acknowledges he has a problem, but we don't fault him). He brought his son with him, and they came back to serenade me with a duet of "Knockin' On Heaven's Door." Man, it was cute. The little guy even got the "dow-wah" pronunciation. Axl Rose, eat your heart out.

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